Saturday, March 29, 2014

Mom denies everything?

Mom denies everything?

so lately has been a wreck. Last month was my 18th birthday. I decided to go to Drews house after school... at around 7 pm I was eating dinner at his house, when my mom showed up unannounced and ready to do some damage. She came looking very tense and very hostile. Of course Drews mother let her in, and my mom saw me eating and told me she was here to pick me up. For what reason exactly, I am still not sure. I specifically told her the day before, that i was spending my birthday at Drews house. But she started attacking Drews mom with words, saying things like 'How dare you be so rude and unkind to me. I do everything to make sure my daughter gets here every friday', and blah blah blah blah' for no good reason, she was accusing Drews mother of all this stuff, and Drews mom was just baffled at what was going on, she had no time to defend herself, or say anything. My mom refused to leave and pick me up later, so i had to leave my food and go back to my apartment. The car ride home was disastrous. She was calling Drews mom every word in the book, and making a huge deal of nothing. She was telling me how dare i "hang out with such evil people that want to ruin her life" Every time she tried to make me say something, or agree with her, all i would say was "no." She completely ruined my evening, and my boyfriends evening. I got home and went in my room, closed the door, and did nothing but hear the screaming and crying of my mom for the rest of my birthday night. 

The next day, me and my mom find out that my Grandpa has to have triple bypass surgery, to get excess calcium out of his heart. He was in the hospital for 2 weeks, and he finally came back home last week. He is doing a lot better. I'm so glad everything went okay. As for my mom, she was freaking out the whole time. She was thinking he was going to die, and she still thinks he is going to die. But he is fine now, his incision is healing up nicely, and he up and walking around again. 

So fast forward to the next month after my birthday, I am in my high school choir. Sometimes i enjoy it, but what i think i enjoy the most about it, is traveling around to different places on choir tour every year. Its a good way to see new places, for an amazing price. Anyways, I had a concert last week after school. My mom needed to take me there. As we were driving, my mom decided to take the long way. I told her to go straight because it was the fastest way, but she still took a right. So i told her to please not do that next time. I wanted to get there on time. My mom got angry with me in the car because i told her off. She started yelling at me, and putting all her problems on me and stuff, right before my concert. I told her to stop, because it make making me upset and stressed out. More than i needed to be. She refused to stop, and just kept on talking and yelling ever so slightly louder every time i told her to stop. I started yelling at her to stop, because she was yelling so hard that she would not be able to hear me say stop. Finally, she got what she wanted. She wanted me to snap. And i did. I screamed at her to please stop. At that she pulled over on the side of the road, and told me to get out. I was wearing a long black chiffon dress, and 3 inch heels. I told her to keep driving, but she refused, I asked if she really wanted me to get out on the side of the road and walk in my outfit. She said yes. So that's exactly what i did. I got out of the car, and walked. She drove off. There was no sidewalk, and it was raining. I walked about 1 and a half miles before someone finally saw me and stopped to pick me up. Apparently a lot of people in choir saw me walking, but just kept on driving. I was cold, my hair was messed up, my makeup smeared from crying. It was not fun. I pulled myself together and got on stage and sang. I felt better, and we did great. Although i had no ride to get home. I had not received one text or call from my mom that night during the concert, and she obviously never showed up to it. 

I had a friend drive me home. I was expecting her to be home, But she wasn't. I was not prepared to have this happen, and i had no pockets so i did not bring my key with me. So I had to have my friend drive me to my Grandparents house. They were so happy to see me... and then i told them what had happened. They got upset. My grandma or my grandpa were in no position to take me home... They were both stressed out enough as it was. So I had to wait for my mom to get back home and pick me up. She went home, but she refused to pick me up from their house. Her excuse was that she broke one of her contacts so she is unable to drive. But she was gone when i got there, so she was driving around all day today. I was stuck in my uncomfortable dress and bra waiting for a ride that didn't show up. My grandparents had to call their neighbor and ask them to take me home. They were very kind and agreed to take me home. By the time i got home it was 11:00 pm, on a school night. My mom answered the door, and didn't say a word to me. I was angry and upset and i just wanted to sleep.

The next day she acted as if nothing had happened. She saw that i was upset, and told me to put the past behind me and forgive her, because that's what family does is forgive each other. She told me that she had to do what she did, because she was too stressed out and she told me that I was the one who was yelling at her, so she dropped me off on the side of the road. She completely denied that any of it was her fault, and it was like she was telling herself that she was doing everything perfectly right. 

My mom tried to go over to my grandparents house today, and they refused to talk to her, or let her use their phone. Today my mom went off on me... she came in here saying that my grandma and grandpa are getting old and crazy and that they think she is and abusive. She said "You know i am not abusive, I am a good mother, and I do everything i can for you. I am not abusive. Right?! You know i am not abusive right?!!!" I just kind of mumbled, and shook my head. If i told her that i thought she is abusive, she would attack me. Saying things like 'How could you say that about your own mother, You hate me don't you? Why don't you just tell me to die.' and stuff like that. She told me not to complain about her to my grandma, because they will find every little excuse to not give her money. I told her, that if i am feeling upset, then i will talk to someone about it, whether she likes it or not. She got angry at me and said "how could you say that, you know i am going through a hard time right now, you are such a little selfish brat. Why do you hate me so much? If you keep on slandering me to your grandma, you'll make my life hell. You already my my life hell. All i am asking if for you to stop complaining to her. If you don't i will kill myself. "

I told her that she was blackmailing me. she said "That is NOT blackmail. That is how i really feel. why don't you take my feeling seriously, This is important.If you don't respect my feelings, then go move out." I told her i was working on trying to move out. She got angry at me for saying i was going to move out and yelled some more foul mouthed words at my face. At that point i had enough, and i told her to leave my room. She stood at the door of my room and kept yelling at me to have her good old final killing heart stabbing words, an then she went off to her room and cried and screamed. If fact i think she is still doing so right now. But I'm blasting my ears right now with music. 

On a more happy note, I am going to Canada for choir tour next week, and i am very excited to have a little vacation time away from everything. I so excited to get Canadian candy, and buy tons of it and not share one little bit of it. 
Until text time :)


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sign this for me!!!! please!!!!

please sign this... this is what is happening to me right now... I am in school still, and i am 18. If i move out, My mom will still get child support from my dad. It is wrong, and she does not use the money to support me in the first place.