Thursday, November 14, 2013

Early Bird sobbing

Early bird sobbing

So, around 4 in the morning, i woke up to my mom sobbing and whining EXTREMELY loud. It was so loud that i bet more people in our apartment building could hear it. I don't know why my mom was sobbing, but she was yelling over and over again, "OWWWW, OWWW, OWWWWWWWWWWW, OWWWWWW..."
i know that i had not hurt her, so if she was hurt, she did it herself. I figured it was just to get my attention, and she wanted me to go into her room so she could yell at me some more. The sobbing sounded extremely fake, and it sounded forced, like she didn't really feel at all as bad as she was claiming through the wailing sobs. So i Ignored her, and she wailed on for about half an hour or so. 
when she finally stopped, it was 5:00, and i tried to enjoy the last hour of rest that i had before i woke up to get ready for school at 6. About half an hour later, i herd her stomp into the living room, and i was so scared, i thought she was going to grab a knife from the kitchen and come into my room and  stab me to death or something. When she did stomp into my room, i was so scared. Luckily, she didn't have a knife, and she just demanded for the Motrin i had in my room for my severe neck pain that i went to the doctors for. she came in and got it, and said as she was leaving: "you need to stop slamming the door in my face." and then she left. I herd her take a bunch of pills, and then she started sobbing again, and making loud obnoxious noises.

I will be extremely tired at school today. wish me luck. ._.

1 comment:

  1. This is obviously very difficult fot you, i have as much of a hard life as you do, but in a different way. Good luck with life and i hope and i know that in the end, you will cut through this wall of vines that pushes you down on the ground every time.

