Thursday, August 29, 2013

Daughter of a Narcissistic mother

This is my first blog, but i need to give this a shot. It is 12:00 at midnight, and in 6 hours will be my first day back at school as a junior in high school. My name's Amber. I was born on February 29th, 1996. Leap day. I am technically only 4 years old. :D
Come with me as i show you (as often as i can) what it is like to live with a mother that is narcissistic. For those of you who dont know what narcism is, here is the correct terminology for you: "Persons diagnosed with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder are characterized by unwarranted feelings of self-importance. They have a sense of entitlement and demonstrate grandiosity in their beliefs and behavior. They have a strong need for admiration, but lack feelings of empathy. These qualities are usually defenses against a deep feeling of inferiority and of being unloved."
(Citation from wiki)
I am pretty sure that my mom has more than this, but... this is what covers most things.

Through the years, this problem with my mother has gotten more severe. In fact, it was only 2 years ago that i really started noticing this problem. My mom has always had anxieties, paranoia, migraines, and has always been a bit antsy. But she wasn't always like this. 
I have searched and searched the web for more information, and more people that are going through the same emotional crazyness that i must endure almost everyday of my life living with my mother. I never really found what i was looking for on the web, looking for more people like me, who have decided to talk about their past, and what they have been through as children, and maybe even adults. 
That is why i decided to make a blog. Past, present, and future postings about my mother will be on here. My hope is that i will find other people like me, who have suffered the mental scars of the abuse of their narcissistic mother. 

My next blog will be explaining how my mother works, how i deal with her,and what   every day life is like for me. 

-Amber (leapy)

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