Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Life continues on

As i look back and reflect on what happened today with my mother, it was basically a huge misunderstanding that really shouldn't have happened in the first place on my moms part. My mom DECIDED to make a huge deal out of me asking to turn her music down. She could have said "okay" and turned it off and left it at that, but instead she decided to start yelling at me, and assuming that i have been ruining her life, just because i asked her to turn down her music. Any logical person would get angry if somebody decided to make a big deal out of nothing and then start Accusing you of things that are completely paranoid, and way of the assortment of the argument. and then she proceeded to continue screaming and blowing up in my face about things that don't meet her lifestyle. Problems that she has with me, and telling me i have anger issues because i got angry at her for completely blowing up in my face for no reason. I had a TON of homework today. I hardly got anything done because i was stuck in my room trying to calm the fuck down. So, tomorrow will be hell for me at school. i am SO looking forward to it! (not). I always ask myself, why me? why cant i have a normal mom that wouldn't act like a teenager all the fucking time (staying up and not giving a shit if they are loud, listening to tween music all day, making illogical requests and arguments, will not explain their thoughts or feelings, and think you are intimidating if you ask them to explain)

I learn to live like this every day. My life revolves around my mom, and she constantly takes my personal belongings, my clothes, jewelry, lotions, makeup, shampoo, etc... and then the things that are really important to me, but my mom doesn't give a shit about, she decides to throw it away while i am gone. My boyfriend gave me a very tropical house plant, and i live in Washington, so it is VERY cold outside most days. My mom decided to put my tropical plant outside on the deck without my permission while i was gone, EVEN though i specifically told her that it was a tropical indoor plant, that dies in cold weather. I came home to a cold tropical plant out on the deck. luckily it survived, and i chewed my mom out and told her not to do that. A few days later, Guess what she does. SHE FUCKING PUTS IT OUTSIDE AGAIN. god damn i feel like a broken record when i talk to her. She thinks that bugs will get in the house and give us a disease. Good god.

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