Saturday, November 2, 2013

Just Another stereotypical Saturday

My mom came home from work, and wanted to go see a movie with me, and she asked me to pay for it since she has no money. I hadn't been out of the house since Halloween, so i agreed to go see a movie. We saw mortal instruments, city of bones, and i had read the entire series already, so i wanted to see the movie. It was alright, kind of cheesy in parts, and they made all the characters look Gothic, which i had not imagined in the book, but it was overall a good story. After the movie, we went into the car, and i noticed the huge Harley Davidson motorbike building, and i said "wow, that's a pretty big building." My mom replied saying "I don't like Harley Davidson bikes, they are ugly, and bad." I said "well i think Harley bikes are pretty cool!" then my mom said "the people that have those bikes are very bad people." i told her that that was kind of stereotypical, and that not all of them are bad. in fact, i think most people who would own a motor bike aren't bad at all, but just cause they have a motor bike, it automatically makes them bad? it makes no sense. she got angry at me, and said that she might be stereotyping, but that its her own opinion. i said okay.

as she was driving i could feel how tense she was, and i could tell she was about to say one of her crazy things again. She asked me "WHY don't you believe in god anymore?"

Me: "of course i believe in god" ( i want to believe in him, but i question my faith a lot. i'm just saying all this stuff so my mom doesn't scream at me and call me evil.)
Mom: "well you don't act like you believe in god. you don't pray, you don't go to church with me every Sunday, you don't want to."
Me: "yes, i do pray" 
Mom: "but you wont go to church with me."
Me: "you hardly ever ask me to go to church with you. And you don't go to church often either."
Mom: "when i ask you, you say you are too tired. so you don't want to go."
Me: "that doesn't mean i don't want to, that means that i am tired, and i want to sleep."

She then started a whole new argument, saying: "Why do you worship your dad working as a manager of a liquor store?! Its wrong!"
Me: "I don't WORSHIP him, or his job. Its just a job."
Mom: "why do you support him, he has given you clothing items with liquor brands on the front. why do you wear them, and you wont let me throw them away!"
Me: "I have NEVER worn those shirts out in public, they are huge and baggy on me. I wear them as night shirts sometimes. Why should there be a problem with me wearing it as a night shirt? its just a shirt. i throw on shirts for bed."
Mom: "you have a hat that your dad gave you with a liquor name brand on the front of it."
Me: "yes? he gave me that hat. But how often do you see me wearing hats like that? NEVER. I have never EVER worn that hat, its just sitting in my very mini collection of hats that i don't wear."

After that there was a long pause in the car, and then she asked me (more like demanded) for me to go to church with her tomorrow morning. I said sure, and she said "really?" and i said sure again. 
and then she got all super sweet and happy that i am going to church with her tomorrow. 

she said she was hungry, so i went into Safeway for her, and bought her requested food items with my own money, and i had to wait in line for 30 minutes cause this obese lady in front of me was cashing a whole bunch of checks, and had 20 bunches of banana, 4 gallons of milk, 5 boxes of cereal, a whole bunch of cookies, and a lot of other stuff, and she wanted to pay for everything separately, and could barely finish buying the cookies with her food stamps.

As me and my mom were driving home, some guy was tail-gating us, and we turned a sharp corner on a yellow light to get rid of him, and he RAN a red light and he was following us! my mom zigged around, and we pulled over and let him pass us. What an asswhipe jerk face. I don't know what the Fuck his problem was. i'm glad he didn't turn around and follow us home. 

Great. cya. 

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